Happy spring…I hope.
The weather in Cleveland is showing signs of spring. Recent snow has melted, the birds are chirping, and car washes are crammed with salt-covered vehicles ready to be rinsed and waxed. My fingers are crossed.
Spring presents alumni and friends a plethora of opportunities to engage with fellow Vikings, students, and faculty/staff. In this e-newsletter you will learn about numerous events scheduled in the coming weeks. In addition to these featured, refer back to the alumni website, www.csualumni.com for the latest updates, along with the CSU website at www.csuohio.edu.
If you haven’t had a chance to read the latest issue of the alumni magazine, I encourage you to do so. The theme of this issue is FOOD and we have a number of stories showcasing alumni and faculty/staff engaged in food research, food production, and cooking it up. Check out www.clevelandstatemagazine.com for the electronic version, which is easy to read online or on your smart phone.
In recent years, we’ve deemed February the month where “Vikings Share the Love.” A number of you shared with us your Viking love stories as part of our Vowed Vikings series. Check out these great stories in this issue of Viking Pride.
We recently returned from hosting alumni events in The Villages and Fort Myers in Florida. It was a tough assignment! Thank you to the record crowds that turned out for these events. Later this month, we are on our way to Arizona for our annual Cleveland Indians Spring Training gathering. If you’re a baseball diehard and plan on being in the area already, join us. Find out more here.
President Harlan Sands is launching a new Presidential Speaker Series this month. The series will bring innovative thought leaders to campus throughout the year to explore issues of interest and debate. Plan on attending the first one on Thursday, March 19 in the Student Center. The event features Professor Anthony Jack of Harvard University who will discuss transforming how we frame diversity and inclusion in higher education.
INFORM. INSPIRE. IGNITE. This is the theme for the 5th Women’s Leadership Symposium on Tuesday, April 14 at the Intercontinental Hotel. The day will feature three dynamic keynote addresses from prominent women, followed by 20 breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics presented by local leaders. The entire lineup can be viewed at www.wlscsu.com Register by the end of March to take advantage of the early-bird rate. We anticipate 300-400 CSU alumnae and friends to attend. Join us for this incredible experience.
I hope to see you at one of these experiences, or at all of them. Happy spring!