Brian's Corner

What do you get when you put 500 intelligent, talented women in one room? You guessed it…an amazing experience!

Last year, when we initially conceptualized a women’s leadership symposium at CSU, we hardly imagined how successful it would be, especially in its first year. Women, of all ages, from all walks of life, converged on CSU with our students for a half-day of inspiration, exploration, and declaration. It was a powerful day.

Before the day concluded, we were in deep discussions about how to take it further, to make it better in 2016. After months of planning, we’re proud to announce the Second Annual Women’s Leadership Symposium, Be Amazing, on Wednesday, April 13.

The program has been expanded from two panels and one keynote, to two outstanding keynote speakers, and 15 break-out sessions and panels featuring leading women in Northeast Ohio. You will personally be amazed by the quality of presenters lined up to participate in this empowering experience.

New this year is our co-sponsorship with Ohio University. We’re thrilled to welcome them as partners and will feature a number of their faculty, staff and alumnae as presenters. Ohio University has nearly 40,000 alumni in the region and they have invested a great deal of time, energy, and resources into ensuring this symposium is a smashing success.

Participants have a number of registration options. The morning option includes breakfast, the morning keynote speaker Rachel Talton, three panels and four breakout sessions. The afternoon option includes lunch, keynote speaker Nancy Frates, four panels and four breakout sessions. The third option is the all-day pass which includes everything. New this year is an expo and career fair featuring organizations and companies interested in reaching our alumnae and students.

Full details about the symposium may be found at  On the site you will learn more about the sessions, the schedule, and our featured keynote speakers. Online registration is also preferred.

I’m so proud of this program and the value it creates with our alumnae and students. The feedback last year was overwhelmingly positive and I know we’ve got even more quality programming in store for participants this year.

Plan now to take part in this amazing experience.
