Brian's Corner

Vikings head south: Thoughts of upcoming Florida and Arizona events keep us smiling

I never thought I’d say I longed for the days of December, but this winter I certainly do. Just when it seemed Mother Nature was going to continue her kind streak with an unseasonably mild and snow-less winter, she reminded us that she can be fickle too.

The thought of soon heading to warm climates for our winter programming is bringing a smile to my face and a spring to my step.  If you live in Florida or Arizona, get ready as we’re headed to visit with you soon. You don’t have to live there (or be a snowbird) however, to attend. Plan your winter escape now and join us in Florida at The Villages on February 17, in Ft. Myers on February 19, or in Phoenix, Arizona for our annual reception and Cleveland Indians spring training March 18 and 19.

Alumna Daria Roebuck BBA`80 will host us in The Villages from 3-5 p.m. for an area-alumni get together. Along with enjoying the company of one another, we will present a “CSU Today” update to guests. Register here

We’ve expanded our southwest Florida reception – now known as CSU2U – to include presentations by some of our most talented faculty, a reception and remarks from President Ronald M. Berkman. The educational programming this year is exceptional with courses such as: “Issues vs Images: The Power of the Media (so far) in the 2016 Presidential Campaign;” “From the Womb to the Tomb: Understanding the Fascinating (or Complex) Process of Aging across the Lifespan;” and “The Making of a College Campus.”  Read about all the classes and the overall schedule.  Come for the day, or make it a vacation by taking advantage of our reduced group rate at the Marriott Sanibel Harbour Resort. Reserve your room under the Cleveland State Alumni Association block at 1-800-767-7777.

Thousands of loyalists flock to Arizona each year for major league baseball spring training. We’ve enjoyed a great response of alumni from our SWAT (Southwest Alumni Team) Chapter and graduates from our Cleveland-Marshall Law School at our annual reception and baseball game. Save the dates now to join us on Friday evening (March 18), with the baseball game on Saturday (March 19) evening.

You don’t have to be a Viking Alum to attend any of these events, but no Viking alum should miss out. Check our website to register and/or track updates.